I was invited to speak to B-school students recently. I wondered, what should be the topic for discussion as students these days they are quite smart and updated. Thus, I decided to approach them with a question instead – “What is the most overused word in brand marketing today?”
I am sure this got you thinking too. The students immediately reacted with a lot of buzz words like Digital, Disruption, Data, Content, Transformation, and Ideas. I am not surprise as many of these words are repeatedly discussed in the key marketing forums today. But then, one word in particular, “Disruption” has always fascinated me so let’s understand the role of disruption in the world of brand marketing today.
If you really look around your lifestyle today, technology has disrupted everything. From the product and services, we use, to the way we shop or travel. Hence it is no more about regular competition among the brands in the same category where we can differentiate and position our brands in the minds of the consumer by the traditional process of marketing. There are more and more new categories that have broken the old business models with asymmetrical competition.
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